We offer two environments to our customers: Sandbox and Live.
Purpose: Evaluation & testing. The sandbox environment always contains the latest version of the web form services.
URL: https://webform-sandbox.finapi.io
The following applies for the use of the Sandbox environment:
Testing/evaluation of the services.
Please do not perform load tests on the Sandbox.
In the background, web form communicates with Access' sandbox environment (Sandbox)
When customers decide to switch to the Live/Production environment, the data generated in Sandbox will not be migrated.
All data in the Sandbox environment must be deleted by the users themselves after use.
No SLA and availability guarantees are offered for Sandbox.
Purpose: Production usage.
URL: https://webform-live.finapi.io
The following applies for the use of the Live environment:
You may use the Live instance only if you have a valid license agreement for using finAPI.
Users created on the live instance count towards your license agreement.
Please do not use the Live instance for load or performance tests.
Access to the Live environment can be IP restricted for security reasons.
In the background, web form communicates with Access' Live environment (Live)
The SLA as per the license agreement is applied.
If customers need to perform load and/or performance tests on any of our environments, please contact us at support@finapi.io.
If customers plan on having their own dedicated environments at finAPI, Web Form can be setup on the customer’s dedicated environment as well!