Request Sandbox API Access

Before you can start working/testing with GiroIdent, a Sandbox test environment client id and client secret is required for authentication of your application towards GiroIdent. Access to all finAPI APIs can be requested directly on the finAPI home page under the link

The Sandbox environment licence is specifically set up for testing purposes, not for productive use. The test period is limited to 30 days, after which a production licence and production credentials are required. Please contact the finAPI support to request credentials for the production system.

Steps to verify a name with GiroIdent

To verify a name with GiroIdent, the following steps must be executed:

  1. Create a check using the CreateCheck API endpoint

  2. Redirect the user to the GiroIdent Redirect URL you receive as a service response.

  3. Enter the data requested by the GiroIdent web pages (bank + credentials).

  4. After GiroIdent is ready, the browser will redirect to the Result Redirect page with a check-id parameter.

  5. Use the check-id in the API endpoint GetCheck to retrieve the verification result. The response contains the value name-equality, which is a score that resembles the similarity of the provided name and the name of the bank account holder ranging from 0 (nothing in common) to 1 (equal).

Refer to How GiroIdent works and GiroIdent service documentation, Testing GiroIdent for more details.

Manual testing of GiroIdent

GiroIdent provides an “executable” service documentation, i.e. the services can be called manually directly from the documentation. Please contact the finAPI support at for detailed information.

Instead of using the service UI, a web service tool like Postman can be used to call the services manually.